Tuesday 22 June 2010

Questions for mest 4

1. I need to know what media production type, (film) would be more time efficient and easy to do in the time given.

2. Clearly, how does the production piece link to our research?

Homestudy Objectives

I have noticed that I have not completed one of the Homework tasks on the movie ; The Elephant 2003. I found that I had stopped at a certain stage where I needed to watch over the scene to complete that part of the question. I think that if I complete my homework soon after it is given I will remember more of the media text therefore it will be easier for me to stay on track. I can also visit youtube to re watch a certain scene so I will get a better understanding.

Saturday 19 June 2010

Homework Secondary Text.

Elephant 2003 - Representation of teenagers

What are the social, Historical, Political and Economic contexts of the two opening sequences?
Use a secondary text to support your arguments.

The first screenshot shows male and female teenagers during a lesson, this connotes that the school is a mixed college. The teenagers are typically represented taking notes and asking questions about their topic just like a normal ideal lesson.
The second screenshot is of the teenagers dad in a car where he shouts his dad out the vehicle, so he could take the wheel. This could connote a disturbing response to some viewers as he is clearly disrespecting his father. His father then expresses through a hand gesture which connotes he is agreeing for him to take over, almost as if he is being forced. I chose to capture this particular screenshot as there is much to say about it due to the fathers expression.
The third screenshot shows a girl kissing the teenager we are used to seeing from the beginning of the film. This could connote that they are in a relationship, but it looked as if she was just a friend because of the way he did not explain to her why he was upset.

Friday 18 June 2010

Wednesday 16 June 2010



Links used for research

What is the genre/sub-genre of the film?
Quotes: ' A Hysterical Comedy' (DVD Cover front page)

2. How are people/places/events represented on the cover?
We are presented by four trendy looking teenage girls, one of which who is separate from the others which could connote she is the main character. There isn't any setting or place behind the photograph of the girls which could connote the idea of a backdrop in fashion model photography. From looking at the back cover it is crammed with a load of information and images, of which relate to the narrative of the film. Girls are continuously represented throughout the cover which connotes it is aiming directly at a female teenage audience.

3. What institutions are involved in the production, distribution and exhibition of the film?
Paramount Pictures
M.G Films
Broadway Video
The DVD format logo
Dolby Digital represents sound

4. Who is the target audience? How are they targeted?
The target audience is aimed at teenage girls hence the theme and title 'mean girls' which could connote 'sassiness' and 'bitchy-ness' which is a stereotypical view of girls who are mean.
The theme is pink and purple and the layout on the back cover is covered with a photo montage type theme, consisting of screenshots from the actual film which publicizes the characters. There are also lipstick prints, a pen and an illusion of images stuck on with sellotape. This could possibly connote a typical teenage diary.
Lynsey Lohan a popular actress is looked up to by many female teenagers, this connotes that the film is using a her to attract more teenagers. Lastly the quote on the bottom of the front cover ''AWESOME, COOL AND WICKED-GOOD'' which is boldly printed in dark purple, the words used are also commonly used by everyday teenagers in this generation which connotes it can easily attract their type of audience.





What is the Genre/ sub genre of the film?
Horror/ Sci-Fi/ thriller
Quotes: ''Hip and Scary!'' Fox TV
''A thrilling ride!'' CNN

2. How are people/places/events represented on the cover?
We are presented with six male and female teenagers, one of them who is closer to us than the rest which connotes he could be the main character. The setting behind them is dark represents the narrative and genre.

3. What institutions are involved in the production, distribution and exhibition of the film?
Director: Robert Rodriguez
Production companies: Dimension Films and Los Hooligans Productions.

4. Who is the target audience? How are they targeted?
The target audiences are teenage males and females. The title 'The Faculty'' is an American term for an administrative force of a university, college, or school, which links to the idea of teenage life. A sentence printed on the bottom of the front cover says ''TAKE ME TO YOUR TEACHER'', which also connotes teenage life.