Thursday 18 November 2010


Critical Investigation


Investigation into the Representation and Stereotypical Media views of Women in Sport/Martial Arts films.

I will be analyzing two texts, of which consist of two trailers from two Martial Arts/Sport movies. One of which are ‘Dead or Alive’, the movie adaption of the best video game series Dead or Alive, and ‘Million Dollar Baby’ A winner of 4 Oscars. I will be looking at the differences in how the representations of women are portrayed in these two trailers and the impact the media creates to represent the ideology and view of women. Both narratives in the films of these trailers are different and portray women in different ways. I will investigate how …(..)

For the Dead or Alive trailer, the mis-en-scene starts off with a close up shot of a attractive looking woman’s face, where then the shot changes into her sitting on a swing chair seductively looking at a man in a suit.

1 comment:

  1. M

    You have set out to some extent what you intend to do but this falls short of my expectation in terms of word count for the last two weeks. It is very important that you transfer what I know you have been writing in your book onto the blog or at least submit it to me in some form so that I can read it and give you some feedback.

    Tip: When exploring in this kind of essay you need to move between close textual analysis using accurate and well applied media terminology (shot, edit, sound and mise en scene exploration - looking at all elements of MIGRAIN) and from this begin to think about the SHEP (how the texts features which you have analysed affect its reception and how the contextual factors have affected it).

    This bridge between MIGRAIN and SHEP is the hub of your essay - how stereotypical portrayals of women are created or subverted in the texts you identify. Has the world changed? How do young women see themselves now compared to how they saw themselves 10, 20, 30 years ago as reflected in martial arts/sports films. Is the idea of the female sports protagonist in movies a new thing? All these are wider issues which you may touch on.

    WHat you should try to avoid is simply a textual analysis of the texts and nothing else - this would be AS level not A2 which is why I encourage you to use the text analysis as a stepping off point.

    I look forward to seeing more on your blog by Monday.
