Wednesday 1 December 2010


BAMBOOZLED 1 (2000):
- Bold colorful and bright colour theme to attract audience
-The facial features are exaggerated on the baby girl's face, lips and eyes appear larger than usual
-Watermelon, popular african fruit eaten by most black people at the time. Child looks exited to be holding it.
- Child is not wearing any shoes which connotes the time of slavery.
- Bold yellow sun connotes hot weather and pressure on black workers who worked in cotton fields, hence the sweaty face.

BAMBOOZLED 2 (2000) :
- Similar theme to Bamboozled 1
- Starring the Great Negro Actors - Refers back to slavery times.
- Faces of Black characters pulling funny exaggerated faces, scare towards audience, could connote some humour towards their roles as black people.
- Clothing of man in red jacket,was worn by pull men (train guards) in the 40's, respected job for black people at the time.
- Westernised clothing suggests that the poster was released later than Bamboozled 1.

BLACKULA (1972):

-Frightening appeal towards representation of Black villian.

- Sucking the blood of a white woman could connote he is taking revenge, from times of slavery.
- White women in background faces are distorted while black woman's face looks normal.

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