Wednesday 16 February 2011


- watch SALT
- Research Angelina Jolie, dominance as a high class, well known famous actress, talk about higher class, being more watched and favoured by audience. talk about success of SALT and how angleina was chosen rather than (man) to play main role in this film. Suited her well, personally find it successful. Hegemonic and Marxist theory about being in higher status to provoke success and us as followers. We always go for the movies which represent the famous, biggest, successful stars.

- Hilary Swank her success and films compared to angelina jolie. Her playing a role of boy in 'boys don't cry' positive or negative representation?.. make us feel she is more capable of playing this kind of role..
Talk about her not being believed as successful, and her determination and hard working leading to big success. Coaches view of girl fighter, as a girl not being able to do anything, weak and fragile - goes with the typical stereotype of women (housewife, find theory).

Women face prejudice in the martial arts in many forms. The most easily recognizable of these is the "bully." The bully is the aggressive male or female who does not feel that women belong in the martial arts or feels they have something to prove, respectively. Their beliefs are demonstrated by their behaviors: snide comments, demeaning remarks and physical abuse. These men want the women gone from the training hall and they will do what they think is normal to get rid of the women. These bullying behaviors can even be observed in tournament judges, who will occasionally dismiss female athletes, refuse to allow them to compete against males or continually ignore the woman. ("Training Women in the Martial Arts," 60-61).

It is this reality that women will continue to see. Martial arts are good for self defense, but the most powerful thing women can learn to do from the martial arts is empower themselves. Sure - if every woman in the world stopped practicing the martial arts today, it would not destroy society. It might even be relatively unnoticed. But, by discouraging martial arts, we are discouraging something much more important. We are telling women through social cues that it is not okay to stand up for your self. It is not okay to be independent from men. We are telling women it is okay for men to abuse them, rape them and subjugate their wills. (Wiley, 73).




-media language

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Current Linked production stage

I have done some filming at the championship which took place a few weeks ago. I filmed some shots of Bella performing in both technical and fighting competitions. Both shootings were successful, I feel I just need to pick out the best shots through these clips and edit them to make them shorter. I also filmed some short interviews of other competitors (girls and boys) regarding Bella's performance. Some of my interviews can be cut short but I feel I need to create some more specific questions, and get some short clear answers to fit the time limit of my documentary.
I also need to film Bella's life at home and ask her to be more clear while I am interviewing her. I will do this through half term. I will also do some more filming during some classes.

I have a narrative and message I am aiming to convey through this short documentary. I want to the audience to gain the idea of Bella's life as a martial artist and create a positive message towards women in martial arts. The type of shots and filming style I am using to help me consist of the link below:

Monday 7 February 2011

Avatar Secondary research

Avatar and Disability Review

is Avatar an Insult to the Disabled?

There are many articles, blogs and disability chat room posts floating around the Internet that say yes, the movie that has made over $200 million in ten days is a big insult to the disability community for two major reasons. The first reason being that the fantasy film - and the key word here is fantasy - does not give an accurate portrayal of life with a disability. The second, surprisingly less important, reason is that Sam Worthington, who plays paraplegic Marine Jake Sully, is not actually a paraplegic.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Section A Exam Paper Questions

1. How do the two media products represent women in the music industry?

Media product 1, the Mobo awards represent Estelle as an iconic award winner. She is selected as the first award winner of the night. Her music is played and all eyes are on the subject. Throughout her speech she mentions the names of other famous music artists, mainly who are men, which could result to her quotation about being at 'a glass ceiling in the UK urban music industry'. This connotes that the struggles she took to achieve this result to where she is right now as she mentions in her speech, ''it took me a while to get here''.
The official website for Estelle displays a variety of ways to advertise Estelle's music. There are images of her with other popular artists such as Neyo, which would attract the audience and help to promote Estelle. There is also a bold advertisement of a movie due to be released, 'For colored girls'. This connotes that because of Estelle's black origin and her success in the music industry, it is a good platform to advertise movies relating to the black origin, which also is protaining to women.

2. How and why do programmes such as the MOBO awards appeal to niche audiences?

The MOBO awards being the first awards show in Europe to celebrate urban music appeals to a new younger generation of viewers. It is broadcasted live on BBC 3 and BBC 1, which is an institution made for a younger audience. The MOBO awards is a programme which is aimed at young adults. The main website includes information about young artists such as Kano, Ms Dynamite, N Dubz e.c.t, who are all young voices of today.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages for performers of using the internet as a marketing tool?

The internet is a very broad and convenient tool used for advertising and marketing for performers. Audiences are able to listen to the artists music and purchase their albums online with just a few clicks. People are also able to purchase tickets for concerts and other franchise products. There are also links to social networks such as Facebook; a popular widely used site where people are updated with the latest news about artists and performers.