Monday 20 September 2010

Detailed plan of research - Martial arts

In the next two weeks I will be focusing on how martial arts is represented in action movies. I think that ideally and commonly martial arts has been known as a way of expressing anger and violence throughout most martial arts films but as a Taekwondo student and instructor, i believe there is much more positivity to martial arts than just violence and expressing anger.
My aim is to research on well known and successful martial arts films and analyse they way they have been narrated and filmed to create that ideology of violence. I will focus on why people that haven't had any knowledge of martial arts feel this way about these films. To compare, I will also look at other films where martial arts is represented more as a way of life, less stressful, peaceful and disciplined. i think that the way these films have been edited and filmed have a huge role on how they will deliver a message to their audience and also, the way they have been narrated will give audiences a different purpose to martial arts, which is also something I will look at.
It is important for people to know and audiences of martial arts films to know that Martial arts is not always violent is in some parts of the world, like an prioroty and religion to some. In Korea most people and children spend time on Taekwondo than they do on their studies at school. I think that this is the reason to why Korea as a country is a very respected, disciplined country and this ca be due to their commitment to Martial arts.

The methods I will be using to work on my research are by visiting internet sites, movie databases and watching and analysing movies where I can find the right information. I will also be talking to and interviewing my Taekwondo instructor who has been nominated the main body of The British Taekwondo foundation, and new and old students who attend Martial arts clubs to find out their views on martial arts and the way it is/ has been represented.

Areas where I need advice on:
I need to know how I can get some textual evidence on how Korea is a disciplined country.
I need to know if its okay to use my instructor's views as research for my investigation.
If this topic of martial arts is enough or appropriate to investigate.

Potential Essay Title: Investigation on the representation of Martial Arts.

Brief for Linked production:
- A short film ????
- A documentary on a martial arts student life, focusing on the way it has effected his social life and confidence and discipline - inspired by the 1984 karate kid movie.


  1. I need to develop more ideas on my brief for my linked production

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  3. www This is a good start. You have the beginnings of something worth researching and discussing in an essay form.

    ebi Researching methods: watching movies and analysing them - need to be clear what the focus of your watching is - be specific. Books, written texts, needs to be clear and well documented - look for studies on martial arts movies, difference between martial arts representation in US/Europe and Asia.

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  5. www you have done good analyse on what you want to do for your linked production.

    ebi look at more texts such as books and movies which relate to marital arts and bibliography more research.
    also start to think more into your brief and what you want to do for the linked production

  6. www: Ayesha i think you have a solid ideas, i think your research is excellent. i think it is a good idea watching different martial art film and it would be recommended if you watch like different language film.
    Ebi: look at different platform such as book, non- fiction/ fiction.

  7. Helloooooo!!

    WWW: You have found an interesting and original topic which you are interested in and which is also worthy of research.
    Your ideas have developed really well and you have proven a potentially successful coursework plan.

    EBI: Try not to be too subjective because you have personally done martial arts before like by saying... Martial Arts IS represented as violent, instead make sure your careful with words and say..Martial Arts is ARGUED to be represented as being quite violent.


  8. WWW: I like the whole idea of changing peoples perceptions on Martial arts, this can enlighten a lot of people. You have outlined some key points, and also noted what you need work on.

    EBI: you kept the ideas for the LI little more open just so you have more options to choose what suits you best between all the different ways.
